主题: | 承包和聘用任命权 |
数量: | 410 |
授权机构: | 校董会 |
负责办公室: | 法律总顾问办公室 |
发行日期: | 1986年11月 |
最后更新: | 2024年2月 |
最后的评论: | 2024年2月 |
理由是: To specify the contracting authority for various administrative functions of 韦德体育app官网 as authorized and amended on February 2, 2024年由校董会批准. | |
定义: | |
校长应为大学的主要合同官员. 总统 may delegate this authority to designees when the delegation is specifically described and documented in writing to the Office of the Secretary to the Board. No person may contract pursuant to this authority except as prescribed herein by specific designation or delegation. 委员会可在特定情况下指定额外的合同干事.
2. 采购合同 A. 总支出超过2美元的所有合同,500,000 after review by legal counsel must be approved by the Board prior to execution by the President or the President's designee except as provided in 2.C. B. 总支出为2美元的合同,500,总裁或其指定人员可在未经董事会批准的情况下执行000份或更少的文件. 如果本条款下的任何合同改变或偏离董事会批准的政策, 惯例或程序, 或与董事会制定的政策相冲突, 该合同在执行前须经董事会事先批准. 本款项下支出总额为1美元的所有合同,000,应向董事会报告000或更多,以供参考. C. 在紧急情况下,有必要保护大学的资产, 或保护大学的利益, 或者解决校园人口的健康和安全问题, and there is no regularly scheduled meeting of the Board prior to the time such agreement must be executed, then the President is authorized to contract for the expenditure of funds for goods and 服务 without prior approval of the Board, 但这些支出必须符合审计委员会制定的政策和做法. Any expenditure or contract entered into pursuant to this authority shall be reported to the Board at its next regular meeting for ratification and any necessary amendment of the budget appropriation. D. 许可和租赁协议,供大学购买或使用物品, 服务, 或个人财产权利被视为本节规定的合同. E. 用于资本改善项目,共计2美元,500,000或以下, 总裁或其指定人员有权执行所有合同. 本项下所有基本改善项目共计$1,000,应向董事会报告000或更多,以供参考. 对于资本改善项目,总金额超过2美元,500,000, 应在项目的概念阶段获得董事会的授权. 当时, 行政当局须清楚说明工程项目的范围, 的目标, 选择设计所遵循的过程, 项目进度, 和预算. 如果董事会批准该项目, the President then shall have authority to carry it through to completion within the approved scope 和预算. 3. 聘任及合约 A. The authority for the approval of positions and appointments 必须遵守大学的政策, 程序, 相关的雇佣合同和预算授权, 应如下所述. It is further provided that when such positions and appointments result in a net increase in the total number of full-time positions, 应通知董事会. 1. (a)教务长职位和任命, 教务行政人员任命, 全职非客座教授的任命,包括晋升, 工作保障, and tenure actions for all of the 以上 are subject to the recommendation of the President and must be approved by the Board. 在符合学校利益的情况下, the President or the President's designee may make an offer of employment prior to obtaining Board approval which offer shall be explicitly contingent upon Board action. (b)设立所有学术行政人员职位(第3条规定的正任院长除外).A.1(一)), faculty and instructional positions and 研究 positions shall be made by the President or the President's designee. (c)任命全职访问教员, 兼职教师, and Continuing Education instructional staff shall be made by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designee. 这种任命应根据主席制定的准则作出. 2. (a) Vice presidential positions and reclassifications and appointees to these positions are subject to the recommendation of the President and must be approved by the Board. (b) All administrative-professional and non-academic positions and reclassifications at or equivalent to Administrative-Professional classification level "U" (or its equivalent classification) or 以上 are subject to the recommendation of the President and must be approved by the Board. 这些职位人员的任命应向董事会报告. 3. 第3款未规定的所有其他职位的设立和任命和改叙.1. 和2. 上述决定应由主席或其指定人作出. B. 教职员工聘用合同, 必须遵守大学的政策, 程序, 相关的雇佣合同和预算授权 and guidelines established by the President shall be executed as follows: 1. The Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designee shall execute employment contracts for academic deans, 学术管理人员及所有教职员工和教学职位. 4. 集体谈判合同: A. 大学设施租赁合同, 除了个人居住, 这是五年多的时间, 须由总统或总统指定人执行, 经董事会核准后. 6. 格兰特合同/协议 A. 须经董事会事先批准, 遵守大学的程序和政策,并经法律顾问审核, the President or the President's designee shall have authority to execute agreements for the sale of real property titled to the University.
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